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Can you outrun a bad diet?

🎄Happy holidays! Planning to enjoy family, friends and some good food over the next couple of days?

Make sure to carve out some time for physical activity! Even when you’ll probably eat a bit too much, you can keep yourself healthy by squeezing in some exercise during the festive period. 🔥🏃‍♂️🍔

☝🏼Check out the study above for some data on the matter.

🤓This is one of our all-time favorite studies:

- 26 six active healthy men were randomly allocated to the following groups:

- Group A (SUR): overconsumed 50% over their normal calorie intake and reduced step count to max 4000 steps

- Group A (SUR + EX): overconsumed 50% calories as well, but were forced to run on a treadmill for 45min during the short (7day) study period

🤔What happened? 7 days of overeating and reducing activity deteriorated heath; insulin response to 75g of glucose [picture 2] and other blood health markers [picture 4] all just went downhill. Strikingly, just adding in 45 min of exercise completely rescued this. All parameters were identical to baseline in the SUR + exercise group.

🤯Exercise completely counteracted the (short term) negative effects of overeating on health!

Take home📈: Enjoy your dinners but don’t forget to go out for a jog or a quick CrossFit® session



🎄Who else has their priorities straight during the holidays? 😄

🥧 If trying to contain your inner fatso plays a big role in your passion for exercise, trust that you're not alone. 🤤


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