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Excessive training causes mitochondrial damage and glucose intolerance

🔥Check out this cool, recent study on the potential effects underlying "overtraining".

🕵🏻The results are super intriguing. Also absolutely love the research group that published this paper and the meticulousness that goes into their analysis. Despite that, I'm not sure I can follow all of their interpretation of the data.

🤔For example, I am not fully convinced the decrease in circulatory lactate and glucose during the ET sessions can be taken as a sign for disturbed glycolysis.

⬆️⬇️Yes, levels could be lower as a function of impaired glycolysis as would be supported by higher glycogen levels and lower performance. But there is a number of other ways to explain lower circulatory glucose levels. Among them also a scenario of increased glucose utilization by muscle and liver.

👩🏽‍🔬Anyway, cool stuff. Future studies will yield more comprehensive insights. Make sure to check out the actual study to dive a little deeper into the data. Let us know if you need help with accessing it.


Flockhart et al., Excessive exercise training causes mitochondrial functional impairment and decreases glucose tolerance in healthy volunteers. Cell Metab. 2021 May 4;33(5):957-970.e6.

PMID: 33740420


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