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Go heavy or go light? Which strategy is best to PR your Clean

🏋️‍♂️ Best strategy to warm-up for a heavy clean?

👀 In this study 8 well-trained female Olympic weightlifters did 1 rep of a maximal velocity clean pull at 85% or 120% 1RM 3 minutes before they attempted a max clean. They did this after their usual warm-up and rested 3 minutes before attempting their max clean. This study was cross-over, this means that everyone did both the 85% and 120% with one week of rest in between.

📈 Using the lighter weights improved clean performance a bit more (85%: +6.1% vs. 120%: 4.7%), but these differences are likely due to statistical variation and do not represent true differences. The lighter warm-up version did however result in lower rating of perceived exertion and fatigue build-up. Something that might be important for big competitions. 💡

➡️ Take home: maximum speed clean pulls right before a big lift might improve your performance on a max lift clean.

Full read: PMID: 32881838


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