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One night of sleep deprivation does not negatively affect weightlifting performance

💤 🏋️‍♀️ Acute sleep loss and weightlifting performance.

🔑 Recovery and sleep play a big role in how an athlete performs. For instance, athletes who are sleep deprived have been reported to have decreased determination and motivation in training, which ultimately will affect performance on the long-term.

👉 Interestingly, this study suggests that one night of sleep deprivation does not necessarily need to be such a big problem in high-intensity strength sports.

🪓 Collegiate weightlifters were tested for performance one time after a nice night of sleep (8h) and one time after complete sleep deprivation. Results showed that several measurements of weightlifting performance (clean&jerk, snatch for reps and 1RM) were identical between trials.
🥺 Nevertheless, several psychological indices were negatively affected by sleep deprivation such as motivation, fatigue and mood.

💡 Thus, when you know as a coach that your athlete is sleep deprived before a big comp. Focus on the motivation, not on the physiology.

Full read: Blumert et al, 2012, PMID: 18076267


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