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Supplements to improve sleep: Recent study indicates ‘optimal drink’

🤩Recent study from world leading expert on sleep in athletes (Shona Halson) testing the most popular substances to improve sleep in various combinations.⁣

🧫Fun fact: The study was conducted in collaboration with Keith Baar, head of l the laboratory @henning.langer previously worked at in California. He was not involved in the study.⁣

☝🏼Check out our summary and feel free to dive deeper into the subject by reading the free full text on the homepage of the journal.⁣

💊 Unfortunately we are not aware of the drink being commercially available, yet. In other words, you would have to get the ingredients individually and mix them yourselves.


Shona L. Halson, Gregory Shaw, Nathan Versey, Dean J. Miller, Charli Sargent, Gregory D. Roach, Lara Nyman, James M. Carter and Keith Baar. Optimisation and Validation of a Nutritional Intervention to Enhance Sleep Quality and Quantity. Nutrients 2020, 12(9), 2579;⁣


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