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Wod_science endurance program, results

🔥 Wod_science endurance program: results are in!

🧬 It is always fun to treat our endurance programs a bit as small scientific experiments. In the program, that ran for the last 7-weeks, participants were asked to do a 20-min all out test on the erg and record their average watts. Important, they had to tape the screen of the erg so they could only see the time remaining, no intensity / pace was visible.

🔂 After 7 weeks of endurance sessions (3 to 4 per week) they repeated the exact same test.

📈 Results showed a pretty significant increase, 15% on average. This is the most of all our programs to date, which is cool because this gives us an idea what works best to further optimize our following programs.

👀 A deeper dive into the data showed that the best athletes, the ones with the highest FTP pre program, actually improved slighly MORE than the ones with the smallest engine starting off. Trainablity and genetics definitely play a role here. Life is not fair. 😀

👍 Found this interesting? Consider participating with our next launch, scheduled beginning of January 2023.


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